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Yeah music lets go yeah yeah


I listen to a lot of music! so so much

I play guitar, bass, piano, and I going to learn how to play cello!

Sadly as of now I am cringe and have not released any music. I have two projects: a band with my girlfriend called Femjumble and my solo project Western Blot. I will put my cool music here soon :D

I would name favorite bands but I have like 300 and they change frequently. My favcorite genres are emo, house, riot grrl, free jazz, and grindcore. I am also very interested in the history of electronic music, mainly people like Pierre Schaeffer, Wendy Carlos, Maryanne Amacher, and Frankie Knuckles.

Here are some of my favorite songs!!! :3

Brave Little Abacus - Underground
Cap'n Jazz - Little League
Casio Dad - fake violins
Laugh and Peace - Overflowing Emotions
On The Might of Princes - For Meg

hope you enjoy your stay :D